Round Bale Recordings sale

In an effort to raise some funds for future releases and to make some room on the shelves, we’re offering a SALE on all available Round Bale Recordings titles now through the end of the year on Bandcamp. This sale includes the already discounted bundle options that are listed, too. Save 40% while supplies last…

New tape releases from Round Bale Recordings

Emerging from the Minnesota River Valley in the mid-aughties, Maths Balance Volumes were a revolving band of twenty-somethings that were infected with the free improv/free noise contagion that was then being transmitted across musty Midwestern basements and well beyond through a network of house shows and ultra limited tape and cd-r releases. MBV’s own releases…

KMSU Spring Pledge Drive starts April 20th

This Wednesday, April 20th will mark the start of KMSU’s annual Spring Pledge Drive. It’s one of only two times during the year where we reach out to our listeners for donations to help keep this special little station afloat through uncertain times. Over the past couple of years, KMSU’s generous listeners have helped pay…

Tilth “Country Music” now available

As we wrote about a few weeks back, we have now started up our own in-house label called Round Bale Recordings. Everything has now arrived and the first release from the group Tilth is now ready and available to order. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions. Tilth “Country Music”…

Introducing Round Bale Recordings

The idea of starting a label has been floating around the FFF orbit for several years now. Having the opportunity to hear so much incredible new music on a regular basis and be able interact with so many talented artists from around the globe, you can’t help but want to take part in releasing and…

KMSU’s 2015 Spring Pledge Drive

It’s that time of the year when KMSU – the college/community radio station where Free Form Freakout is based out of – reaches out to its listeners for the annual Spring Pledge Drive. Like last year, the station has an ambitious goal of raising $40,000, a portion of which will be going to pay off…